The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

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an offer that involves doing something

It’s easy to fall into the trap of talking heads. Actional offers help avoid this trap. In addition to speaking, do things. Actional offers advance the story through the things you do and often introduce props into the story world. The props serve an immediate purpose and they can also be reincorporated later in the story.

to get spects initiating verbal and physical offers on their own

Two players play a scene in which Player A gets Player B speaking and engaged in an activity.

what is going on in a scene

Five players are given a simple product for which they develop the elements of an ad campaign: the product name, package design, slogan, spokesperson, jingle, target market, and marketing strategy.

a method of post-show reflection for teams to engage in continuous improvement

The stakes of Navy SEAL missions are often life and death. The price of failure is high. This is why SEALs implement a practice of continual improvement, including an After Action Review. If you want to keep improving your work, take a page from the Navy SEAL playbook.

the sense that what one does has an impact

If you’ve ever played a video game using a wonky controller, you know how frustrating it is to lack a sense of agency. The game doesn’t respond to your input, no matter how hard you mash the buttons. To feel a sense of agency, things need to be responsive to your input.

to provide the opportunity for spects to contribute

For spects to play as co-creators, you need to allow room. If you’re so busy making offers that there’s no room for spects to contribute, they become observers. Allow room for spects to say and do things.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance