The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

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For anything to become second nature, you need to do it multiple times. Pianists do their scales. Ballerinas do their barre. To become a great inter-actor, there are many skills that need to be repeated until they become second nature.


There are many ways to practice interactive performance technique. Here are the four standard modes.


The Gimme Getter is a mobile training app that delivers random suggestions, tracks time, and counts repetitions. It can even serve as a virtual partner when you’re training by yourself.


Take different emotional hits off a series of random offers. If practicing alone, use an online random sentence generator to create the initial offer.


Without creating the scene that has come before, Player A delivers a final line of dialogue, a physical button, and holds the silence.


Player A makes an offer. Player B responds with a strange or unexpected offer. Player A responds truthfully to Player B’s offer. Repeat.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance