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Breathe in for five seconds. Hold for five seconds. Exhale for five seconds. Hold again for five seconds. During each five-second count, draw one side of a box in the air. Repeat the process for one minute.
Players work in pairs. The first player throws an energy pulse from a part of the body. The second player receives the energy with the same part of the body. The energy then travels to another part of the body and is thrown from there. The first player catches the energy in the corresponding body part. This energy exchange process continues.
When playing a scene, focus shifts between players. One has focus, then another. This is give and take.
Paired players face each other. One is the leader, the other the follower. The follower reflects the moves of the leader. After a while, they switch who leads and who follows.
Place your closed fist in your lap with the back of the fist facing down. Focus on your fist and uncurl it as slowly as possible until it is fully open Repeat with the other hand.
The president stands in the middle, with a bodyguard on either side, one in front and another behind. The bodyguard in front faces the president, all others face the same direction as the president. The president marches rhythmically, and all bodyguards do the same. As the president marches forward or backward, the bodyguards maintain their relative positions. When the president makes 90- and 180-degree turns, the bodyguards face the same direction, with the exception of bodyguard who is now in front, who faces the president. The president marches around with the bodyguards holding tight formation. Rotate players through so each has the opportunity to be president.
While listening to another player (or talk radio or a podcast), repeat the words that are spoken a few seconds after they’ve been said.
Before a race, some Olympic swimmers stand by the pool with their eyes closed. They appear to be doing nothing, but inside their minds, they’re visualizing the race they’re about to swim, picturing themselves doing it perfectly. This is how they prep to do their best.