The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

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to respond to an offer as though it were true

If you respond to an offer as though it’s true, that’s accepting the offer. You can accept offers verbally, physically, or both.

an offer that involves doing something

It’s easy to fall into the trap of talking heads. Actional offers help avoid this trap. In addition to speaking, do things. Actional offers advance the story through the things you do and often introduce props into the story world. The props serve an immediate purpose and they can also be reincorporated later in the story.


Five players are given a simple product for which they develop the elements of an ad campaign: the product name, package design, slogan, spokesperson, jingle, target market, and marketing strategy.

to give an offer more emotional weight

When your response gives an offer more emotional weight, that’s an amplify. Amplifying makes offers feel more important.

addressing a need before it is articulated

One of the most magical ways to make spects feel like you’re on the same page is to do a form of advance follow, giving spects what they need before they even have the opportunity to ask.

thinking of something related to something else

If you hear the word “birthday,” what do you think of? Birthday cakes? Parties? Presents? Getting old? Whatever you think of, those are associations.

to respond to an offer as though it were false

Blocking is the opposite of accepting. Accepting supports the truth of an offer; blocking contradicts it. When offers are blocked, players have to negotiate what’s true and what’s not before they can continue to play in a shared fiction.

adding detail to an offer

When you respond to an offer by adding details, that’s a build. The additional information builds out the context of the story. You can build using verbal or physical offers.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance