The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

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The attack series is five different “attacks” that help players develop commitment and move outside of their comfort zones. The exercise only lasts five minutes, but requires full mental and physical commitment.


An interrogator ask questions which a suspect answers. Whenever the interrogator isn’t satisfied with an answer, they call on Boris, an imaginary, giant thug. Boris punishes the suspect until they give a satisfactory answer, then the interrogation continues.


Breathe in for five seconds. Hold for five seconds. Exhale for five seconds. Hold again for five seconds. During each five-second count, draw one side of a box in the air. Repeat the process for one minute.


Interacting is a paradox. You need to assume control and you need to release it.


Sitting comfortably on the floor, Player A holds Player B as one would hold a small child in their arms. Find the common breath and release into each other’s bodies. Player A gently rocks and strokes Player B, while singing an improvised gibberish lullaby. Finish in silence. Trade roles.


The inner critic is a voice that sits in the back of your head and inhibits your impulses. In real life, this can be a good thing because it keeps you within the good graces of polite society. But when you play, the inner critic’s feedback isn’t nearly as helpful. It blocks your brain, locks your body, and offers up advice like, “That’s a stupid idea.”


Players work in pairs. The first player throws an energy pulse from a part of the body. The second player receives the energy with the same part of the body. The energy then travels to another part of the body and is thrown from there. The first player catches the energy in the corresponding body part. This energy exchange process continues.


Player A faces a line of players. The first player in the line fires a word at Player A, who immediately responds back with any word. Then the next player in line fires a word. Again, Player A responds with any word. This process continues down the line, with Player A responding as quickly as possible. After reaching the end of the line, Player A takes the first position in line and the last player in line (Player B) steps out to face the firing line. Player A fires the first word and Player B responds. The process continues down the line. The pattern repeats until each player has faced the firing line.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance