The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

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A scene is played in which Player A follows Player B’s offers by doing physical actions.


Five players are given a simple product for which they develop the elements of an ad campaign: the product name, package design, slogan, spokesperson, jingle, target market, and marketing strategy.

addressing a need before it is articulated

One of the most magical ways to make spects feel like you’re on the same page is to do a form of advance follow, giving spects what they need before they even have the opportunity to ask.


Two players play a scene in which Player A anticipates all of Player B’s wants and needs and addresses them before being asked.


Players mingle and find a partner. Player A tells Player B how to respond—either by accepting, blocking, following, resisting, building, or amplifying. Then Player A makes an offer and Player B responds as instructed. The players trade roles and the process is repeated. After that, the players go find new partners and repeat the process.

an offer that fits well with another offer, without being identical

A complementary offer adds something new and relevant to another offer.


Interacting is a paradox. You need to assume control and you need to release it.

going along with the intention of an offer

When you follow an offer, you go along with the idea behind it.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance