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There are many ways to practice interactive performance technique. Here are the four standard modes.
Humans are complicated. The attitudes and perspectives that we share with others are not always the truth. We present manufactured versions of ourselves for all manner of reasons: social propriety, fitting in, avoiding controversy, deceiving an enemy. Drop the mask is a tool that takes advantage of this behavior, allowing you to change the apparent perspective of your character when needed. Here are the steps:
Whether the win is something small like convincing a person to do something, or something big like accomplishing the story goal, spects feel more satisfaction when they earn the win. If goals are accomplished too easily, spects don’t step up or become invested. When effort must be expended, the accomplishment of a goal feels more satisfying. You’re not doing spects any favors when you hand them the win. Let them earn it.
When you want spects to expand on an offer that they’ve made, follow up with an echo question. It invites them to add more detail without making it feel like an interrogation.
To get better, you have to be willing to fail. If you try to avoid failure, you won’t improve. Failure is a great teacher, if you’re willing to learn from it. Don’t try to fail, but embrace it when it happens.
Empowerment is an overused word. It’s also an accurate one when describing the goal of interactive performance.
Once in a while, the spect will make an offer that appears to violate the context that has been established. An effective way to handle this situation is to encompass the spect’s offer by expanding the context. Find a way that the spect’s offer can make sense within the story.