The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

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Player A secretly comes up with something for Player B to do. Then they play a scene in which Player A backleads Player B to do that thing without instructing them. When Player B does what was backled, Player A gives a stroke and the scene is over.


Players do a simple activity that involves an object. Then they break down the activity into segments. They do the activity again, saying “Begin” at the start and “End” at the completion of each segment. The activity is repeated a third time, without saying “Begin” or “End.”


Players scatter randomly around the space. All close their eyes. Without speaking, players attempt to line themselves up in order of height.


One player has eyes closed, the other has eyes open. The blind player takes the arm of the sighted player. Without speaking, the pair walk around the space. The blind player sets the pace and the sighted player guides the route. As comfort is built, the blind player may speed up the rate of travel.


Move to a beautiful piece of music in a blissed-out fashion. Don’t use dance moves, act out a story, or "perform" in any other way. Engage in a deep state of movement bliss.


Take a deep breath, then exhale and brush your hands across parts of your body. Work from the head down to the feet. Become aware of all parts of the body while releasing tension through the breath.


Facing a partner, players slap their legs and say "boom," then point in a direction (either up, down, left, or right) and say, "chhh." This pattern repeats until both players point in the same direction. At that point, they slap their legs on the next "boom," then point at each other and say "woo!" The players return to the boom-chhh pattern until they point in the same direction, which is again followed by a boom-woo sequence.


Play a scene that is as boring as possible.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance