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Sitting comfortably on the floor, Player A holds Player B as one would hold a small child in their arms. Find the common breath and release into each other’s bodies. Player A gently rocks and strokes Player B, while singing an improvised gibberish lullaby. Finish in silence. Trade roles.
Players work in pairs. The first player throws an energy pulse from a part of the body. The second player receives the energy with the same part of the body. The energy then travels to another part of the body and is thrown from there. The first player catches the energy in the corresponding body part. This energy exchange process continues.
While making a neutral sound, stretch the face and mouth as big as possible. Then scrunch it down as small as possible. Continue to alternate between being expansive and being compressed.
Player A faces a line of players. The first player in the line fires a word at Player A, who immediately responds back with any word. Then the next player in line fires a word. Again, Player A responds with any word. This process continues down the line, with Player A responding as quickly as possible. After reaching the end of the line, Player A takes the first position in line and the last player in line (Player B) steps out to face the firing line. Player A fires the first word and Player B responds. The process continues down the line. The pattern repeats until each player has faced the firing line.
Two players play a scene. Player A plays on impulses. Player B follows all of Player A’s offers.
Two players become black knights, standing on one side of the room. The other players all become white knights and stand on the opposite side. The black knights call out, “Knights move!” The white knights all make a knight’s move—one step forward or back and two steps to either side, or two steps forward or back and one step to either side. Then the white knights call out, “Knights move!” and the black knights make their knight’s move. After making the move, black knights touch anyone within reach, turning them into black knights. This pattern repeats until white knights have reached the other side of the room or have been turned into black knights.
Say a random word. Then say a second word that is associated with the first word. Then say a word associated with the second word. Continue generating associated words for one minute. Track how many words (or phrases) are generated in one minute.