The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

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Your work is not you. It’s tempting to feel good about yourself when you succeed. The problem is that you then feel awful about yourself when you fail. You can become more comfortable with failure by treating it as something outside of you. Here’s a process that may prove helpful when failure occurs.


In your training journal, write a list of all the unhelpful things that your inner critic says inside your head. On a different page, make a list of things that you’d rather hear from a coach. Tear out the critic’s list and burn it. Review the coach’s list whenever the critic shows up.


Build the habit of doing the things that scare you. There’s no need to figure out why they’re scary; that’s just a way to avoid doing them. Condition yourself to take action the moment you feel the fear.


For anything to become second nature, you need to do it multiple times. Pianists do their scales. Ballerinas do their barre. To become a great inter-actor, there are many skills that need to be repeated until they become second nature.


There are many ways to practice interactive performance technique. Here are the four standard modes.


To get better, you have to be willing to fail. If you try to avoid failure, you won’t improve. Failure is a great teacher, if you’re willing to learn from it. Don’t try to fail, but embrace it when it happens.

intuitive play without concern for technique
a recording used for post-show analysis

Game tapes are what sports teams use to analyze their performance after playing a game. It’s a good way to review the details of what happened once players are no longer caught up in the heat of the moment. Game tapes are also valuable tools for inter-actors. Playing in an interactive scene is different from watching one. It’s easier to see things from the outside that you may have missed while you were playing. Reviewing your work from a more objective perspective helps you see what you’re doing well and what can be improved.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance