The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

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a momentary resistance that requires the spect to take a stand to overcome it

Spects play better when they’re deeply invested. Whether their commitment is mild or strong, you can get them more deeply committed by pushing back.

anything that makes it difficult, but not impossible, to accomplish a goal

If spects accomplish their goals too easily, they don’t become invested. When pursuing goals, resistance gives spects something to overcome. The effort required to overcome resistance makes goals feel valuable and spects feel invested.

change happens on the third repetition

Repetition be useful, but when something repeats over and over and over and over and over again, it becomes an obstacle to progression. This is where the rule of three can help keep things moving forward.

a brief discomfort or resistance that is quickly resolved

Stories are full of challenges. The smallest type of challenge is a speed bump—a momentary, mild resistance that is easily overcome.

the spect’s successful achievement of a goal

Stories are full of struggles to achieve goals—from small goals, to scene goals, to the overarching story goal. Some goals are won; others are lost. Overall, spects should win more than they lose. It builds their confidence and keeps the story moving forward.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance