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Move to a beautiful piece of music in a blissed-out fashion. Don’t use dance moves, act out a story, or "perform" in any other way. Engage in a deep state of movement bliss.
Take a deep breath, then exhale and brush your hands across parts of your body. Work from the head down to the feet. Become aware of all parts of the body while releasing tension through the breath.
Players work in pairs. The first player throws an energy pulse from a part of the body. The second player receives the energy with the same part of the body. The energy then travels to another part of the body and is thrown from there. The first player catches the energy in the corresponding body part. This energy exchange process continues.
Dance to a fun song in the way that a little kid would do it.
There’s nothing wrong with talking, but it’s easy to become over-reliant on it. Words are abstractions. Physicality is real. When you make physical offers, it brings more reality to the experience. This is why it’s good to physicalize your offers.
The president stands in the middle, with a bodyguard on either side, one in front and another behind. The bodyguard in front faces the president, all others face the same direction as the president. The president marches rhythmically, and all bodyguards do the same. As the president marches forward or backward, the bodyguards maintain their relative positions. When the president makes 90- and 180-degree turns, the bodyguards face the same direction, with the exception of bodyguard who is now in front, who faces the president. The president marches around with the bodyguards holding tight formation. Rotate players through so each has the opportunity to be president.
Dance to a piece of music as sensuously as possible. Relish all of your senses as you move. Revel in the pleasure of sensation. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.