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Defend a point of view that is the opposite of something that you deeply believe. Argue with logic and passion.
When spects play in interactive stories, not all of their behaviors arise because of the fiction. There are also elements from real life that affect the way they play.
It’s good to reward spects with strokes when they exhibit desired behaviors, but beware of over-stroking. When strokes are too big, they feel fake. Keep strokes real and genuine or spects will feel like you’re patronizing them.
Go someplace you’ve never been that feels foreign or strange to you. (Don’t break the law or go somewhere that puts you in physical danger.) Relax and soak in the experience. Be attentive to the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings that surround you.
When an offer mirrors a previous offer, it’s a parallel offer. When an offer is relevant but not identical to a previous offer, it’s a complementary offer.
A parallel offer is saying or doing the same thing as someone else.
Players mingle as though they were guests at a party. When players encounter each other, they introduce themselves with a fictional first and last name. There is a brief conversation, then players move on to meet someone else. After five minutes of mingling, players see how many character names they can remember.
Say a random word. Then say words or phrases that are all related to the first word. Track how many words or phrases are generated in one minute.