The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

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Players stand in a circle. A theme word is given, then players call out words related to the theme word.


Players stand in a circle. A theme word is given. Players step into the circle and act out an associated word, phrase, or concept. The other players guess what the associated element is.

a question that draws out a point of view

Some questions are hard for spects to answer because they aren’t sure what the “right” answer is. A perspective question is easy for spects to answer because it’s asking what they think or feel about something. They already know that.

a question that draws out a deeply held perspective

A philosophical question digs deep. It invites a person to consider life at a profound level. The answer to a philosophical question requires consideration and reveals the core values of a character.

a physical action that punctuates the end of a scene.

A physical button helps create a satisfying ending. It’s like the period at the end of a sentence that tells you when things are over. Physical buttons come in a variety of forms: a nod, a turn of the head, the pat of a hand, the shift of an eyebrow. One type of button is so common that it has its own name.

a character’s personal power, reflected through body language and speech patterns

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establishing the location using space work

When playing in imagined-world stories, engage with the physical environment through space work. This avoids the trap of talking heads and introduces elements that can be reincorporated later on. If spects seem uncertain about the location, clarify it with a defined offer.


There’s nothing wrong with talking, but it’s easy to become over-reliant on it. Words are abstractions. Physicality is real. When you make physical offers, it brings more reality to the experience. This is why it’s good to physicalize your offers.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance