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Two players play a scene in which Player B tries to derail the scenario while Player A justifies everything that Player B introduces.

making it seem right when the spect doesn’t speak

When you’ve said something and the spect doesn’t respond, it can either feel awkward or appropriate. It all depends on how you handle it.


A scene is played in which Player A tries to activate Player B. Player B begins by not engaging, simulating unconscious offers that a spect might make. Player A justifies Player B’s unconscious offers within the context of the scene.


Two players toss a ball back and forth, apparently trying to keep it away from a third player in the middle. At least that’s how it should appear. What the two players are actually doing is throwing the ball so the third player has a relatively decent shot at intercepting their throws. When the center player catches the ball, they trade places with one of the throwers.

focus on how the activity impacts the relationship with the spect

When scenes have no dramatic juice, it’s sometimes because the activity has no impact on the relationship. Focus on what’s at stake between you and the other character. It doesn’t have to be conflict; it can also be something positive. Let the activity you’re engaged in affect the relationship between the characters.


Two players become black knights, standing on one side of the room. The other players all become white knights and stand on the opposite side. The black knights call out, “Knights move!” The white knights all make a knight’s move—one step forward or back and two steps to either side, or two steps forward or back and one step to either side. Then the white knights call out, “Knights move!” and the black knights make their knight’s move. After making the move, black knights touch anyone within reach, turning them into black knights. This pattern repeats until white knights have reached the other side of the room or have been turned into black knights.

a question that has an assumption embedded within it

”What problems are you having at home?”

an abrupt change

Sudden change carries impact. When you want change to be surprising or shocking to spects, deliver it abruptly and without warning. Make a left turn.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance