The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

 » How to respond to spects’ offers

How to respond to spects’ offers

Spects are your co-creators. You want them making offers. When they do, the way you respond depends on how they’re playing. Here are some good rules of thumb.

When they do nothing, justify their unconscious offers.

Phineas and Denise are riding in a hot air balloon. He pours champagne, holds out a glass to Denise, and says, “Happy anniversary.” Denise doesn’t take the champagne. Unconsciously, she purses her lips and looks down. Phineas justifies Denise’s lack of response. “OK, I get it. A champagne balloon ride isn’t going to make up for what I did. I just wanted to show you that I’m sorry.”

When they’re uncertain, clarify the context.

Ella asks Madison, “So, did you finish it?” Madison looks at Ella uncertainly. Ella clarifies her undefined offer. “The sculpture. Did you finish the sculpture you were working on?” Madison breathes a sigh of relief. “Oh. No, not yet. I haven’t had time.”

When they’re hesitant, respond with a stroke.

While tuning up Brooke’s motorcycle, Vanessa asks where she’ll be riding next. Concerned that she might say the wrong thing, Brooke answers hesitantly, “New Orleans?” Vanessa nods with approval. “Nice. Just in time for Mardi Gras. You sure know how to live life!”

When they introduce something new, follow, build, amplify, or reify.

Nathan and Shawn are working in the kitchen of a gourmet restaurant. When Nathan mentions a local food critic, Shawn builds by revealing that the critic is dining there that night. He amplifies by having Nathan prepare the critic’s meal. Nathan’s initial offer is later reified when the food critic shows up in the kitchen, asking to see the chef.

When they’re playing strong, challenge them.

Diego wants to force the local mayor out of office. He approaches Omar with evidence of the mayor’s corruption and asks him to do an exposé. Omar resists, for fear of losing his job at the paper, so Diego has to work extra-hard to convince his friend to write the article.

When they’re being difficult, bend their offer.

Logan is trying to deal with his mother’s death, but Mason keeps making jokes. Logan bends Mason’s offers by reinterpreting the intention behind his behavior. “I appreciate your trying to cheer me up, buddy. I wish this wasn’t hitting me so hard.”

When they’re a problem, turn to higher authority.

A spect has repeatedly made sexually inappropriate advances to Myra. She has tried bending his offers, but to no avail. She has gone to play with other spects, but he has found her and resumed his inappropriate behavior. Myra speaks with the stage manager, who instructs the spect to leave Myra alone or he will be removed from the show.

The way you respond to spects offers encourages their contributions, incorporates their ideas, gets them invested, and keeps them from becoming a problem.

Updated: July 23, 2024

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