Sometimes you need to change a spect’s offer. They may have blocked a critical story element or introduced an anachronism. Instead of blocking the offer, which disempowers the spect, reinterpret the offer in a way that makes it appropriate to the story.
Kiki runs up to the spect, exclaiming “Oh my god! You’re Sabina! I’ve got all your albums.” The spect replies, “I’m not Sabina.” Kiki looks momentarily stunned, then the light of understanding dawns in her eyes. “Right. I totally get it. Sorry” Kiki leans in and whispers conspiratorially, “I totally love your music.”
Use this technique with discretion. It’s not there to force spects to play your story. It’s used to keep the story world consistent or maintain locked story elements. Your goal is still to play the spect’s story.
Updated: August 22, 2024