We come into this world with few boundaries and are shaped by our social surroundings. As we grow up, we’re taught how to behave. “Don’t be mean.” “Don’t be stupid.” “Don’t be chicken.” Some behaviors we adopt, others we don’t, and still others become taboo. Which behaviors are practiced vary from person to person.
Practiced behaviors may not serve you as well when playing in fiction. You sometimes need to become characters whose behaviors are outside your comfort zone.
Just as dancers stretch their muscles to move more freely, inter-actors stretch their comfort zones to play with greater freedom. Here are social boundaries that may be uncomfortable to play:
Before pushing boundaries, remember this: If a boundary is a part of your personal moral base, there’s no need to push it. Don’t let anyone (including me) tell you what is right or wrong for you to do when playing. If it’s wrong for you to do something, that’s not a boundary you need to push. On the other hand, if a boundary is simply something that feels awkward or uncomfortable, that’s something to get past. Never push a boundary because someone tells you to. There’s only one person who knows which boundaries you should stretch—that’s you.
When you’re ready to push a boundary, how do you go about it? Work with people you trust and practice doing what makes you uncomfortable. Keep practicing until it’s no big deal. Practice brings two benefits: you expand your performance range and you reinforce your habit of fearlessness.
As you’re pushing boundaries, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind.
Do no harm – Keep safety as your first priority. Never be so out of control that you might harm yourself, someone else, or something in the environment. Pushing a boundary should never involve physical harm.
Take care of yourself – If you find yourself on the receiving end of a boundary-pushing behavior that is wrong for you, stop the action and say something. Clear and non-accusatory communication is critical. They’re responsible for them; you’re responsible for you.
Support others – When working with players who are pushing boundaries, be supportive. Never tease them, even in fun. What might seem like a small stretch to you may be a giant leap for someone else. Pushing boundaries is vulnerable work. Poking fun can shut people down instantly. Don’t run that risk. Always be supportive when boundaries are being pushed.
One of the great perks of being an inter-actor is the permission you have to grow as an individual. When you stretch boundaries, you may discover new facets of yourself, or you may develop deeper compassion for others. Either way, it makes you a better inter-actor.
Updated: July 23, 2024