The attack series is five different “attacks” that help players develop commitment and move outside of their comfort zones. The exercise only lasts five minutes, but requires full mental and physical commitment.
Laugh attack – Laugh uncontrollably for one minute. Nothing needs to be funny. Remain fully committed to the laughter.
Tantrum attack – Throw a huge temper tantrum for one minute. Don’t run around the room or engage with objects, clothing, or other people. Stay physically safe.
Curse attack – Direct a stream of verbal vitriol at an adorable stuffed animal for one minute. Mock, belittle, be cruel and verbally abusive without making physical contact. Use the most offensive profanity, insults, and slurs possible.
Pillow attack – Aggressively beat up a pillow for one minute. Don’t throw the pillow around the room. Pound on it as hard as you can, without harming yourself physically.
Silly attack – Be as silly as possible for one minute.
Updated: July 23, 2024