When playing a scenario, there are narrative elements that need to be true for the story to work. These are locked elements.
Establish locked elements early in a scene before spects can preempt them with their own offers.
When introducing a locked element, don’t frame it as a yes/no question. This invites the spect to change it. (“Are you pregnant?” “No.”) Instead, introduce locked elements as statements. (“Congratulations on your pregnancy!”)
When spects contradict locked elements, it’s one of the few times you need to put things back on track. Bend their offer—reinterpret it in a way that makes the locked element true again. (“I’m not pregnant.” “Oh, I understand. Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”) If you’re unable to reestablish a locked element, the scenario may have to change. Remember, the ultimate goal is to play the spect’s story.
Updated: August 22, 2024