If thinking is like walking, one might assume that thinking fast is like running. It’s not. Walking fast and running are two entirely different skills. It's the same with thinking. Thinking fast isn’t really thinking at all. It’s responding. Thinking is slow and methodical. Responding is quick and intuitive. To think fast, you don’t think, you respond.
To be rapidly responsive, first you need to be released and ready. Tension slows you down. Muscles can't respond as quickly when they’re tense. Neither can the mind. You need to release tension before impulses can flow freely. You also need to be ready. Use soft focus to be fully aware while remaining relaxed. Like a skilled martial artist, being focused and released allows you to respond in an instant.
The most direct way to release tension is through the breath. Breathing slowly and deeply relaxes the muscles and oxygenates the brain. Combine that with soft focus. Be receptive to everything that surrounds you. When you’re released and ready, you’re in a far more receptive and responsive state.
Even when you're relaxed and ready, one thing can still slow you down—inhibition. If you judge your impulses, it slows you down. Bypass judgment. Ignore your inner critic. Go before you know. When you don’t evaluate your impulses, you respond more quickly.
That's sometimes easier said than done.
Exercises like Soundball and Firing line are good ways to practice being relaxed, ready, and responsive.Random access drill and Ralphing help with releasing judgment. You can even expand your impulsive responsiveness with Link association and Zip, zap, zop.
Trying to think fast by thinking trips you up. It puts you in your head and slows you down. Be relaxed, ready, and responsive, and your reaction time speeds up. It gives the impression of thinking fast, without needing to think at all.
Updated: July 23, 2024