Feelers focus on the senses. The feelings they care about may be their own, or those of others. Things like food, comfort, pain, and emotions are the priority. Their language includes words related to the senses. (“I’ve got the sense that…” “I hear you.” “It feels right”) Emotional sounds are also part of a feeler’s expression. (Mmmm. Ah. Oooh.) Feelers take actions based on emotions and intuition.
Tara is explaining why she’s with her boyfriend, Steve. “Steve is just, mmmmm, I don’t know. I love how he’s there for me. I can laugh or cry and he’s always there for me. He’s warm and lets me be who I am on the inside. I feel safe and comfortable when I’m around him.”
The counterpoint to the feeler is the thinker.
Updated: July 22, 2024