Players stand in a circle. All turn to the right, facing the back of the person in front of them. Each player puts feet together and takes hold of the hips of the person in front of them. On the count of three, everyone sits on the lap of the person behind them. Then they remove their hands from the hips of the person in front of them. When ready, everyone stands on the count of three.
No count – The sit and stand are done without a three count.
Blind sit – The whole process is done with eyes closed.
No hands – The process is done without players holding each other’s hips.
Recliner – When circle is seated and hands removed from hips, players recline back on the person behind them.
Line to circle – One player sits on a chair. The next player sits on the lap of the first player. The first player wraps their arms around the waist of the second player. Continue to add players and wrap arms around waists, creating a line. Chanting “left, right, left, right” move feet and the seated line walks away from chair. The front of the line circles around to move legs under the player who started in the chair. Arms are then released from around the waist.
Lines to circle – Same as “Line to circle” except that three lines are created before moving into a circle.
Updated: July 23, 2024