For spects to play as co-creators, you need to allow room. If you’re so busy making offers that there’s no room for spects to contribute, they become observers. Allow room for spects to say and do things.
It’s easy to do. Stop speaking, see what the spect says or does, and respond to that. If spects don’t respond immediately, wait with expectation, using silence as leverage.
If you tend to talk a lot, the practice of allowing room is especially important. Try using one thought, one sentence to give spects the opportunity to make contributions.
Sometimes spects are ready to speak before you’re done talking. You can tell because they’ll make a sharp little inhalation.Listen for the breath. When you hear it, stop what you’re saying and find out what the spect is thinking.
Allowing room also applies to actions. If there’s something to be done, allow room for the spect to do it.
Interactive performance is built on the give and take between inter-actors and spects. For spects to make contributions, be sure to allow room.
Updated: August 22, 2024