The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

 » Cloak of fiction

Cloak of fiction

the permission to behave in ways unlike who one is in real life

When spects play as characters, not themselves, they’re wrapped in the cloak of fiction. Everything they do is the behavior of their character.

The cloak of fiction allows spects to be both empathetic and authentic. By playing as characters, spects have permission to behave differently than they do in real life. It’s a chance to walk in others’ shoes, which can lead to empathetic epiphanies. The cloak of fiction also allows spects to be authentic without fear of being judged. They don’t have to own their actions. When play is over, they can always say, “It was the character, not me.”

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
- Oscar Wilde

The time to establish the cloak of fiction is during the portal, before spects have begun to play. Let them know that they don’t have to play as themselves. They are free to play however they like. Everything is treated as part of the fiction. In the story, addressing spects by character names further reinforces the idea that spects aren’t playing as themselves.

When wrapped in the cloak of fiction, spects play more freely, gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and a greater empathy for others.

Updated: August 22, 2024

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