Some spects talk a lot. It may be a nervous reaction or a part of their personality. When spects talk too much, they don’t listen very well and things don’t affect them too deeply. There are a few ways you can get talkers to quiet down and become more connected.
One way is to let them talk as much as they like. Stay silent and attentive. Let them talk until they run out of things to say. When they stop talking, hold the silence before you speak. This silence can help talkers realize how much they’ve been speaking and cause them to stop chattering quite as much.
Sometimes talkers use excessive language to avoid engaging in emotionally charged moments. When this happens, interrupt their monologue by making physical contact. The moment that your hand on their knee, arm, or face causes them to fall momentarily silent, speak immediately. Begin with the word, “Listen,” and directly address the thing they are avoiding. Physical contact lights up a different part of the brain than the one responsible for language. The momentary disruption gives you an opportunity to refocus their energy.
If nothing else works, you can do an in-and-out-of-story call-out. Be kind, but direct. Tell them the effect that their talking is having. This direct approach may help them recognize what they’re doing and change their behavior. If it doesn’t, don’t force the issue. Play with them as best you can, knowing that they are doing the same.
Updated: August 22, 2024