Paired players face each other. One is the leader, the other the follower. The follower reflects the moves of the leader. After a while, they switch who leads and who follows.
Mirrored task – The leader performs a task which is mirrored by the follower.
Funhouse mirror – The leader initiates movement and the follower reflects the moves with extreme physical distortion.
Three-way mirror – Three followers mirror the leader as a three-way mirror in a clothing store.
Group mirror – Pairs face each other as though there were a mirror running down the middle of the room. They move in relation to each other and the other players.
Who’s the mirror? – Observing players try to guess who’s the leader and who’s the follower.
Singularity – When the word “change” is called, the leader and follower trade roles without breaking the motion. “Change” is called in shorter and shorter intervals. When “together” is called, players follow and lead simultaneously.
Updated: July 31, 2024