The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

 » How to start a scene

How to start a scene

Until you’ve done it quite a bit, starting a scene can be a daunting task. If you’re starting from nothing, where do you begin? When you’re playing from a scenario, how do you know where to start?

Until starting a scene becomes a familiar process, it’s helpful to have training wheels that establish good habits. Here are some ways that get a scene off to a good start.

Start strong – Unless there’s a specific reason to do otherwise, start a scene with assured energy. It makes spects feel like you know what you’re doing, which causes them to relax. When spects are relaxed, they play better.

Have a clear point of view – If you have nothing else, assume a point of view. Even if you don’t know what the point of view is about, have one. You’ll figure out what it’s about as you continue to play.

Embody a physical status – This is another useful tool when starting from nothing. Embodying a physical status quickly establishes character and relationship. The rest of the details can follow as needed.

Start in the middle – If you’re playing an edit scene, get things moving by starting in the middle. It drops you and the spect into the middle of the action.

Start with an echo question – This tool is also for edit scenes. Start by repeating something as though the spect just said it to you. (“You’re going to Bolivia?!”) This is a fun device, but don’t overuse it.

Be coming from or going to – When you enter the scene, know where you’ve just been or what you’re going to do. It gives energy and specificity to the start of a scene.

Establish the context – At the top of the scene, clarify the context. Make sure that spects understand who the characters are, what the activity is, and the location where it’s taking place.

Activate the spect – When starting a scene, it’s easy to get caught up in what you’re doing. After your first offer, focus on the spect. Don’t stop what you’re doing, but allow room for the spect’s response. Let that inspire your next offer. In this way, spects become activated from the very beginning.

As these tools become habits, starting a scene becomes easy and fun.

Updated: July 23, 2024

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