The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

 » High falls

A faller stands on a chair or table with arms crossed over chest and back to the catchers. The catchers stand in two lines facing each other, with interlaced arms outstretched. When ready to fall, the faller calls out, “Ready?” When they’re prepared, catchers reply in unison, “Ready.” The faller says, “Falling.” Catchers respond, “Fall on!” The faller falls backwards into the arms of Catchers. The process is repeated, giving each player the opportunity to fall and catch.



Spa day – After catching the faller, the catchers rock the faller back and forth while lowering the faller to the ground. Then catchers massage the faller while humming an improvised melody.


  • Fallers and catchers remove rings and watches before catching.
  • Catchers catch by bending at the knees. If you bend at the waist, you may hurt your back or bonk heads with the person across from you.
  • Faller keeps arms crossed and the body straight while falling. (Don’t bend at the waist. It’s harder to catch.)
  • A player may need to hold the chair or table steady.
  • If someone chooses not to fall, that choice is fully supported.

Updated: July 23, 2024

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