The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

 » Justify the silence

Justify the silence

making it seem right when the spect doesn’t speak

When you’ve said something and the spect doesn’t respond, it can either feel awkward or appropriate. It all depends on how you handle it.

Silence can be a good thing. Scenes don’t need to be constantly filled with talking. Spects’ silence only becomes an issue when it stems from their fear or uncertainty.

You can set spects at ease by justifying why their lack of reply is a totally appropriate response.

Keith, a reserved spect, is sitting on the sofa waiting. Mark enters with pizza and beer. “So who do you think is gonna take it, the Colts or the Giants?” Keith looks uncertain and says nothing. Mark hands him a beer. “You’re right, it’s a stupid question. Of course the Giants are gonna kill ‘em!” Keith nods, “They sure are.”

There’s a useful irony here. When you justify the silence, spects feel more comfortable about speaking.

Updated: August 22, 2024

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