The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

 » Go big and let go

Go big and let go

When I studied acting in college, I tried to get my performances “just right” by making lots of little choices and adjustments. As a result, I was frequently stuck in my head, unable to feel impulses. Then I became a clown with the circus. Suddenly my choices needed to be larger than life. Playing BIG left no room for me to get stuck in my head. After a season with the circus, I returned to the stage. To my surprise, I discovered that I could let go and feel impulses with ease, even when playing in a realistic fashion.

If you find yourself stuck in your head when training or rehearsing, try this:

  2. Then, play again and don’t try to do anything. See what shows up. (It may feel as though you’re doing nothing, but that’s not the case.)

When you go big and then let go, it gets you out of your head and impulses can show up more easily.

Updated: July 23, 2024

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