The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

 » Firing line

Player A faces a line of players. The first player in the line fires a word at Player A, who immediately responds back with any word. Then the next player in line fires a word. Again, Player A responds with any word. This process continues down the line, with Player A responding as quickly as possible. After reaching the end of the line, Player A takes the first position in line and the last player in line (Player B) steps out to face the firing line. Player A fires the first word and Player B responds. The process continues down the line. The pattern repeats until each player has faced the firing line.


Associations – Player A responds with a word related to the word that was fired. E.g., flame-fire, shallow-deep, camera-film.

Tank tread – Player A faces the first person in line. After responding, they move down the line and respond to the next person’s word. When Player A is three people down the line, the player at the beginning of the line steps out and also starts moving down the line, responding to words that are fired. When players reach the end of the line, they join the firing line and fire words at the people who come after. This variation is good for larger groups.


  • This exercise helps practice ignoring the inner editor.
  • Respond immediately. Don’t take time to think.
  • Say anything. Just don’t plan how to respond.
  • Don’t read meaning into responses. They’re just words.
  • Breathe deep, hold eye contact, keep the face and hands relaxed.
  • Don’t say “uh” before speaking.
  • Keep arms at the side of the body and hands out of pockets.
  • If the head shakes “no” when responding, nod “yes” instead. The brain will follow the body.

Updated: July 23, 2024

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