There’s a tendency to believe that the next step in a story is always something new or different. This belief can make players start chasing after plot. The fact is, what’s next can also be found within the present moment. It just hasn’t been discovered yet.
When you pay close attention to what is present right now, undiscovered details begin to unfold. Dig deep into all that surrounds you, and the answer to “What’s next?” becomes a discovery instead of needing to be invented.
By focusing on exploration, it keeps your focus on the present moment. New discoveries arise organically from what is already there. Allow discoveries to change your emotions. Amplifying emotions also leads to more discoveries.
Exploration and discovery can slow down the tempo of a scene. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Plenty of frenetic scenes could benefit from a slower pace. It only becomes a problem when it’s the only way you can play. It’s equally important to be able to invent and play from your impulses.
But if you’re spinning your wheels, trying to come up with something, take a breath. Explore the moment and see where your discovery leads.
Updated: July 23, 2024