The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

 » Reverse scalpel

Reverse scalpel

activating the spect with a need and a tool

The reverse scalpel is a way to get spects to do something without instructing them. It involves three components.

  • Establish a need.
  • Introduce a tool that addresses the need.
  • Allow the spect to address the need using the tool.

Lola and her husband are dressing up for an evening out. She hands a necklace to her husband and pulls her hair out of the way. Andy clasps the necklace around Lola’s neck.

You can also use this tool to get a spect to join you in an activity.

Keenan is at the sink washing dishes. He tosses a towel to Collette, hands her a dish that he just rinsed off, and she begins to dry.

When using space work, clarify the details with modeling and naming. Spects need to know what things are and where they are before they’ll use them. As always, avoid instruction. Clarify the context, establish the need, then let the spect take the initiative.

Updated: August 22, 2024

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