The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

 » I am a shoe

Think of an object that seems like your character. Identify three qualities of the object, two positive and one negative. (E.g., a shoe: comfortable, laced up, stinky.) Mingle with a group, playing as a character who embodies the qualities of the object.


Atypical – Pick a an object that’s unlike your character and play your character while embodying the atypical qualities.

Monologue – Improvise a monologue as the object, talking about your life.

Interview – Be interviewed as the object. Describe your life and history.


  • Treat the literal information about the object’s life as metaphors for your character’s life. E.g., a shoe that is forgotten at the back of a closet might be a character who is ignored by friends and family.

Updated: July 23, 2024

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