Defined offers establish story elements in unambiguous ways. When the details of the fiction are clear, it's easier for everyone to play.
To make a defined offer, name the element in a straightforward way. If naming feels awkward, deliver the defined offer with a point of view.
Clarifying undefined offers – Undefined offers leave details ambiguous. When spects need clarity, use a defined offer.
Ward and June are preparing their home for a houseguest, but it's unclear who the guest is. Ward clarifies the situation with a defined offer. "I know it's inconvenient, but she's my mother. I can't tell her to go stay in a hotel."
Clarifying oblique offers – Oblique offers communicate ideas through implication. When spects don't understand what's been implied, defined offers provide the necessary clarification.
Shanice is clearly someone important. Bodyguards escort her wherever she goes. A man salutes as she enters her house. An ambassador is coming to visit. But Shanice is still unclear about precisely who she is until one of her aides says, "Madam President, would you prefer to meet the ambassador in the Oval Office or the Rose Garden?"
Establishing locked elements – When playing from a scenario, there may be locked elements that need to be established for the premise to work. Defined offers are the way to establish locked elements.
The scenario is set on the Titanic before encountering the iceberg. Margaret Brown casts an approving eye about her. "What a glorious ship. The Titanic. It's an appropriate name."
Clarifying space work – When miming elements in the environment, those aspects may be unclear to other players. Space work can be clarified through defined offers.
Winston pantomimes opening the lid of a small box and removing something. He holds it up to his nose and takes a whiff. "Mmm. Cuban cigars. Very nice."
Unless you're establishing locked elements, you don't need to lead with defined offers. It’s fun to let the details gradually come into focus. This allows spects to be smart and piece things together. But if you see spects struggling, clarify the details with defined offers.
Updated: August 22, 2024