A good character is distinct and memorable. You can accomplish this by giving your character a hook.
Core trait – how your character typically behaves.
Velma is boisterous, whether she’s at a party or a funeral.
Habitual action – something that your character does repeatedly without thinking.
Ivan is always chomping on his cigar.
Preoccupation – something that matters to your character at all times
Bryce is vain about his appearance, always smoothing his hair, and checking his reflection.
Catch phrase – a verbal response that your character uses repeatedly.
Melba’s go-to phrase in any situation is, “Well, that’s a fine how-do-you-do.”
Signature move – a physical move that serves as a punctuation mark.
The Contessa DiMarco shakes back her hair whenever she feels she has made a point.
A hook makes your character distinct and memorable. What it doesn’t do is create a fully fleshed-out character. There are other tools that help create characters with greater depth.
Updated: August 22, 2024