The Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance

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Trust must be earned, and it usually takes a while to happen. This serves us well in life, but not in interactive performance. As an inter-actor, you’re expected to play with total strangers in ways that are intimate, aggressive, bold, and vulnerable, with barely any time for trust to be earned. This is why entrusting is an essential skill for all inter-actors. Entrusting is the conscious act of giving trust before it has been earned.


It can be scary to move forward when you can’t see what’s ahead. (Try going for a blind walk.) When you don’t know where things are going, don’t let “not knowing” keep you from moving forward. Advance with confidence. See where the story and the spect will lead you.


Two catchers stand at the far side of the room. With eyes closed, another player walks toward the catchers and is gently stopped before hitting the wall. The blind player opens eyes and takes the place of one of the catchers. The replaced catcher moves into the line of people who are waiting to cross the room.

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Encyclopedia of Interactive Performance