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Players mingle and chat. On a given signal, players start embodying either high or low physical status while continuing to mingle. When another signal is given, they embody the opposite form of physical status.
Thinkers do things “by the book.” They are most comfortable in the world of things that can be measured or quantified. The language of thinkers is full of numbers, measurements, facts and rules. Thinkers process ideas in a linear sequential progression that lead to logical conclusions.
There are two ways that people engage with the world. Some tend to think, others tend to feel. It’s useful to recognize which type of engagement is a person’s default mode. When you’re creating a character, it guides your behavior. When you’re playing with spects, it helps anticipate their responses. You can interact more effectively when you know how people are likely to respond.
Ideas can be captured by writing, typing, or recording. Each medium has its strengths and weaknesses. There may be times when you want to move information from one medium to another. When you do, there’s an app for that.